Investing in Retail Properties: Kirkus Review

Kirkus Reviews

A consummately authoritative and valuable examination of retail investing.

This third edition of Rappaport’s manual notes that income-producing real estate comes in many forms: residential, office, storage facilities, industrial, and retail. He mentions an insight from Investing 101: Diversifying makes for a portfolio that can withstand the shocks of the financial markets. But his own long experience has been in just one of these real estate types: retail properties. His company has been investing in and representing commercial properties for decades, including brands like Arby’s, Chipotle, Panera Bread, Sephora, Shake Shack, and many others. In these pages, he takes interested readers and prospective financiers through every aspect of investing and cash-flow management, going into granular detail on things like depreciation, net absorption, and the intricacies of loans in both a bull and bear market.

To read the full review, please visit here.
